The Lockitron Has Arrived! Home Automation Moved Forward…

What is Lockitron?

A long, long, time ago (Ok, so it was just a bit over a year ago), I came across a preview online for a product called a Lockitron.  This device seemed really, really cool.  I could remotely lock and unlock my deadbolt to my house using only a single swipe from my phone.  Furthermore, I could easily allow access to a friend, family member, etc., into my house, either by remotely unlocking it for them, or by granting them access to be able to unlock it themselves using their own phone.

This seemed like a wonderful idea to me!  No longer did I have to dread the issue of taking the dogs for a walk.  You see, our house has the wonderful idea of ONLY providing a lock via the deadbolt.  The normal door handle itself doesn’t have a door lock.  So, every time, we had to leave to go for a walk, (or to leave the house in general!), we had to manually pull the keys back out, and lock the deadbolt from the outside.  What a pain in the butt!

Then along came the Lockitron, and I was sold!  I threw down my money, and waited for the device to come in, which was scheduled to be shipped in March of 2013.

And I waited…  and waited… and waited.  March came and went, May came and went, July came and went, and September came and went.  Each month promised a shipment of my Lockitron, and each month passed without my Lockitron arriving at my doorstep.  What started to seem like vaporware eventually faded away, when TODAY my Lockitron finally arrived.  Happy Days!

The Hardware

When I got home from work, I barely had set my stuff down before I was diving into the packaging, ripping off that USPS packaging and diving into the heart of what I wanted!

It's here, it's finally here!  I can't believe it!  (And yes, I did have to take this picture before even pulling it out of the packaging box!)

It’s here, it’s finally here! I can’t believe it! (And yes, I did have to take this picture before even pulling it out of the packaging box!)

The package came pleasantly packaged, stuffed inside of a cardboard box, wrapped up inside of a USPS slightly padded bag.  After pulling the Lockitron box itself out of the cardboard box, I was greeted with a nicely decorated box.

The Lockitron box, in all its glory.

The Lockitron box, in all its glory.

The front of the box didn’t display too much information, but did show a nice image of the device.

Just your usual, run-of-the-mill information.

Just your usual, run-of-the-mill information.

The bottom of the box showed a simple bit of information, directing the user to the Apple App Store, or the Google Play Store to download their respective version of the software to go with the device.

Peace of Mind?  We'll see after I do some extensive testing of it!

Peace of Mind? We’ll see after I do some extensive testing of it!

One side of the box said exactly what the device was meant to do: provide peace of mind, allowing you to always be able to check on the lock status of the door.

As long as it works well, I'm excited about this!

As long as it works well, I’m excited about this!

The other side of the box complimented the other statement, expressing the ability to lock the device from anywhere.  Peace of mind?  You betcha!

Ooh, a pretty logo!

Ooh, a pretty logo!

The remaining side of the box simply displayed Lockitron’s logo: a simple round outline, surrounding a deadbolt-style lock icon.  You better get used to this icon – it’s everywhere in the software!

Yes, the installation was easy.  Unfortunately, the whole fact of Bluetooth unlock only working with iPhones irritates me.  No love for Android?

Yes, the installation was easy. Unfortunately, the whole fact of Bluetooth unlock only working with iPhones irritates me. No love for Android?

The backside of the box provided a bit more information as to the contents and functionality of the device.  I was disappointed to know that the bluetooth functionality of being able to be near and lock / unlock the device was functionality restricted only to iPhones.  Hopefully Lockitron will add that functionality to their Android counterparts in the future.

The Lockitron faceplate has been revealed!

The Lockitron faceplate has been revealed!

Removing the cover of the box revealed the plastic Lockitron faceplate.  I originally ordered the white / brushed nickel faceplate, to better match the decor at our house.  Lockitron manufacturers, unfortunately, are having some problems with their manufacturing at the moment.  As a result, they decided to go ahead and ship out the black-on-black faceplates for now, and ship the originally ordered version later on down the road.

A good gesture, yes.  But still a bit disappointing, seeing as how it’s already so far behind.  But I certainly do appreciate the gesture, and the ability to get it out the door sooner.

Just the faceplate, with a quarter for comparison.  Huge!

Just the faceplate, with a quarter for comparison. Huge!

Pulling the faceplate out of the box reveals just how huge the device is overall!  Of course, I’m sure I could’ve assumed it’d be the size it was after thinking about all the components and electronics inside of it.  But I guess I had falsely assumed it’d be closer to the size of the deadbolt itself, especially when compared to some of the alternatives that are starting to be released to market by other manufacturers.

I assume this is the core group of developers?

I assume this is the core group of developers?

Underneath the faceplate was a box with some instructions in it, as well as the deadbolt backplate to get installed on the door.  Wrapping it was a nice signature folio of people, which I assume to be the core group of developers / designers.

The brains of the whole operation.  It's heavy too!

The brains of the whole operation. It’s heavy too!

Underneath all of that was the brains behind the entire system.  This houses the primary motor assembly, wifi chip, rubber surround to keep from scratching the deadbolt, and battery compartment to help run the entire device.  It’s pretty sweet!


This was a nice touch!  I was pleasantly surprised to see a set of nice batteries that came with it, as well as a screwdriver for installing the backplate to the deadbolt!

This was a nice touch! I was pleasantly surprised to see a set of nice batteries that came with it, as well as a screwdriver for installing the backplate to the deadbolt!

Included in the box was a package of accessories.  I ripped into the box, and was extremely pleased with what came with it.  One item, a small NFC tag, was included to allow for easy tap-and-use functionality.  In addition was a set of 4x AA batteries, which were of surprisingly high quality (not those crappy knockoff brand ones that have such a small amount of storage and don’t last very long)!  Lastly, I was quite surprised to see a full sized screwdriver in there as well!  This is to help loosen the deadbolt framing in order to be able to slide the backplate into it.  Now, I know that almost everyone probably already has a screwdriver that they could use instead.  But the very act of including one, which made it so that I didn’t have to divert my attention away from installing the Lockitron, and instead remain focused on doing it with all the tools necessary right in front of me, was quite nice!

Everything that comes included with the Lockitron - even stickers!

Everything that comes included with the Lockitron – even stickers!

Oh, yes – there were also a couple Lockitron stickers / window decals as well!  Another fun touch for those of us who like to make our stuff go faster with stickers!

Another angle of all the stuff that comes with it!

Another angle of all the stuff that comes with it!

The Installation

I didn’t take any pictures of the installation process itself, but that’s because it was quite simple and uneventful.  Basically, it consisted of me downloading the Lockitron app, logging into my account, setting up a wifi connection, and then utilizing BlinkUp to transmit the data (assuming wifi data + user account data) to the Lockitron in order to authenticate it and activate it online.

Once the process was complete and the Lockitron was authenticated with the network, the remaining process was simple, and was all done via a video guide over the phone.  The guide walked through the remaining process of installing the backplate, snapping the Lockitron frame onto the guide, configuring the Lcokitron to know whether it was locked or unlocked, and finally putting on the rubber stopper and plastic cover frame.  It was definitely quite the easy setup for something that could’ve easily been so much more complicated!

The Final Product

Once the device was installed and working, all that was left was to try it!  I quickly booted up the app on my phone and switched the device to be locked…. and waited.  About 10 second later, I heard the familiar sound of gears running, and the device was locked!  I then tried swiping on my phone to unlock it, only to find that the app was frozen…  Drat!

I hopped onto my laptop to bring up the web interface to try it out.  it showed that the device was locked, so I pushed the button to unlock it.  About 30 seconds later, the gears sounded, and it unlocked.  Woot!  But wait…what’s this?  The web interface stated that there was a system error, and to try again later.  Um, not good?

I refreshed the page, and it then showed the device was unlocked, like it was supposed to be.  I went ahead and clicked the lock button, and waited.  30 seconds or so again later, and it was locked, but shortly thereafter I received another system error message.  A simple refresh of the page later, and all was good again.

I went back to my phone to try again, and again I got the familiar response: swiping it to lock (or unlock) the device would work, but then the entire system would lock up again for a period of time.  After doing some testing, I believe it to be that the centralized Lockitron server must be waiting for some confirmation from the device stating that the command had been received and processed.  During this time, it appears to make the entire system unresponsive while it’s waiting for the response back.  Hopefully this will be changed in the near future.  But in the meantime, at least I know to give it some time before trying to send another command.

I did give it a real-world situation tonight, where I left for a walk, and locked the door on my way out.  When I got home, the door was in fact locked.  But pressing unlock on my phone did nothing.  I waited, and waited, but nothing ever happened, and the door remained locked.  But about 60 seconds later, it finally made the familiar gear sound, and the door opened up for me.  So there appears to be a few kinks in lag time and response issues that still need to be worked out.  Hopefully the Lockitron team will get those issues ironed out, and have a rock-solid product in the end!

I’d have to say that I’m happy overall with the product.  I do have a few pictures of the final installation that I grabbed with my cellphone quickly (I forgot to take them with my nicer camera before posting!):

A view of our entire door with the Lockitron installed on it.

A view of our entire door with the Lockitron installed on it.

A closeup picture of the Lockitron installed on the door.  It's  a bit hard to see, but it gives you an idea of the size of the device!  It's much larger than I originally thought it'd be.

A closeup picture of the Lockitron installed on the door. It’s a bit hard to see, but it gives you an idea of the size of the device! It’s much larger than I originally thought it’d be.

As you can see, the device is quite large.  It’s not obtrusively large, but it is definitely something that may catch you off guard at first.  But I think after a few days or so I won’t even really notice, and we’ll get used to it.  And once Lockitron sends out the color that we ordered, hopefully we’ll be able to make it match even better with the rest of our decor.

The Verdict

Great price for what it does. Lots of functionality, and seems to be a pretty solid product.
Lots of features. Includes a knock sensor, which I haven't tried yet. Supports limited bluetooth, NFC, app integration, an external APK and text messages.
Limited support so far. Good Facebook response, but limited service when trying to determine rollout times. Iffy customer service leaves some worry with regards to warranty support and other new-product bugs.
Decent looking product. Hides well on the inside of the door, and can't tell there's anything from the outside. A bit bulky and awkward on the inside, though.
Hard to tell so far, since it's brand new. Seems solid. Gears are a bit loud when it runs. Not sure if that means anything with regards to lasting power.
Piece of cake to set up. The video installation instructions were spot on, and overall the BlinkUp feature made it a breeze. I had one small snag, where the BlinkUp took, but the Lockitron didn't want to communicate with the network. A simple second attempt to BlinkUp worked out.
Overall, seems like a decent product. I'm a bit biased, since I was a Day One backer when it was promoted to the market, so I was super excited for it to come in. But at the same time, I'm a bit flustered, since it took twice as long to come to market. I'm glad it's out, and I am looking forward to giving it a run for its money. I appreciate all the detailed engineering that went into it, and loved the simple, easy to set up ability of it. Great idea using BlinkUp to do most of the heavy lifting!

A Continuation of Why Network Solutions is Awful…

This is a small update, but an important one, nonetheless…

As mentioned in an earlier post, I just recently switched my hosting to a new host.  After getting fully switched over, I decided to rerun my test that I made to check the MySQL query performance of the database on the host.  I set up the exact same test, with the exact same code, and got the following result:

New Host: Total Time – 0.03s, Average Query Time – 0.000031s

Let me just repost what I had on the previous entry:

Network Solutions:  Total Time – 5.9s, Average Query Time – 0.0059s
1and1: Total Time – 0.293s, Average Query Time – 0.0003s
Local MBA with a SSD: Total Time – 0.078s, Average Query Time 0.000078s a query

What does this say?  It says:

  • My new host is 10x faster than my old host.
  • My new host is over 2x faster than my MBA with an SSD!
  • My new host is 197x faster than Network Solutions!

Let’s just let that sink in for a moment…  I was satisfied with my previous host.  I am blown away that my new host performs DB queries even faster than my MacBook Air!  But I’m in total and utter shock at how much faster it is than our Network Solutions account.  And no, I’m not using a VPS or a dedicated server.  I am still on the same-o shared hosting type of plan that I was on before.

Tsk tsk… you disappoint me, Network Solutions.

Goin’ Paperless! Enjoying the ScanSnap S1300i.


Now, before you start calling me a tree-hugging hippie, let me preface by saying that I’ve fought the paperless bandwagon for as long as I could!   I constantly got annoyed by the requests by all my companies I do business with to go paperless, and I was extremely frustrated when it came to the point that I either converted to paperless, or faced a $5.00 a month additional charge by them to send me the statements in the mail.  I wanted paper statements!  I wanted something tangible that I could see, touch, and file.  I wasn’t comfortable without a stack of cellphone bills in my filing cabinet (that I would probably never look at again, mind you).  I felt that if it wasn’t there, then it wouldn’t be there in the future when I needed it.  Never mind the fact that in the case of a house fire, all of my paper filing would be gone, and I would be without any sort of documents.

Fast forward a few years down the road, and my office quickly became a massive disaster. Boxes after boxes of papers lay around, waiting for me to properly sort, organize, and file into the filing cabinet.  These papers dated back 3 or more years, doing nothing but cluttering up my office with their presence.  Furthermore, after those boxes filled up with papers, the papers themselves continued to fill up the office, slowly making their way into random piles, strewn about here and there, covering my desk, the floor, the folding table, bookshelf, and other assorted areas.  I tried various methods to stay on top of the massive, endless amount of papers, including purchasing color-coded filing labels, developing a storage system, reorganizing, etc.  However, each various method felt like nothing more than another attempt to fail at the same thing.  I just could not stay on top of the papers, and my office was quickly becoming nothing more than a collection of paper waste.  There wasn’t even a spot for me to sit any longer!

Eventually, it came to the point that “enough was enough”, I needed to do something about the papers.

The Solution – The ScanSnap!

I did some research.  I then did more research.  I then thought about it, and did more research.  All the while, the paperwork continued to pile, and the space continued to dwindle.  Then one day, I hopped on Amazon, and said “that’s it!”  I had had enough, and it was time to finally purchase a scanner, and begin to go completely paperless.  After an extensive amount of research, I finally rested on this – a newly upgrade, ScanSnap S1300i scanner:

Once it arrived (yay, Amazon Prime!), I quickly set it to get it in place and get it going just as fast as I could.  I was sick and tired of the paperwork, and it was time to be done with it.

The Setup

The first thing I noticed when I got the scanner in the mail was that the box was quite small.  I opened it up, and noticed the following in the packaging:

  • The Scanner (duh)
  • A USB cable
  • A power adapter
  • Another USB cable, with a nifty power plug on one end
  • Various assorted instructions / warranty cards / installation CD

After popping in the CD, the software quickly installed, and I was on my way.  It’s interesting to note at this point the secondary USB cable that came with the box.  While the scanner obviously can run of the power adapter, the secondary USB cable can also serve to power the scanner through a secondary USB port on the connected computer.  Nice!  I probably won’t ever use this feature, as I don’t plan on taking the computer with me in a portable situation.  However, it is a nice touch, and a nice additional feature if your environment will lend you that necessity to do so.

First Impressions

Once everything was set up, I was ready to scan!  Every where I looked in my office, I saw paper after paper, pile after pile, and box after box, of various dead tree bits that needed to turn their lives into a digital format.  I quickly grabbed one box, and began the scanning process.

I found a stack of papers that I felt belonged together, each of various sizes.  After arranging them in an order from larger to smaller (full size documents in the front, smaller card-sized documents in the middle, and receipts in the back – to help with the scanning rollers), I stuck it in the scanner and hit the big glowing blue button.  Immediately the scanner sprang to life, sucked all the paper through one page at a time, spit it out the other end, and finished the job before I knew it!

It’s important to point out why this scanner is so friggin’ awesome.  Obviously for the most part, a scanner is a scanner.  What makes it extremely powerful is the corresponding hardware that goes along with the scanner.  In this case, it couldn’t be more true.  Besides the scanner having dual scanning heads (so that it can scan both sides of the page at the same time), the corresponding software does the following, automatically:

  • Automatic duplex detection
  • Automatic color detection
  • Automatic page size detection
  • Automatic page rotation
  • Automatic keyword detection
  • Automatic highlighting tagging
  • Automatic OCR (Optical Character Recognition)

That’s right.  No longer do you need to continuously mark the scanner for a specific size, type, orientation, or format of the paper you’re scanning it with.  Instead, the scanner does everything fully automatic (if you’ve configured it to do so), and you no longer have to do that.  Just grab a stack of papers, put it in the scanner, hit the button, and you’re off!  Obviously, if the process takes too much extra unnecessary effort, I’m more likely to drop the process entirely, and regress back to a state of not doing anything with the papers, and quickly return to where I was before purchasing the scanner.  So, the fact that the scanner can do everything in an extremely quick, efficient manner is important to me.

The Software

I’ve touched on the software a bit already, but there’s so much more to it than just the automatic scanning part of it itself.  Depending on the package purchased, the ScanSnap might come with a slightly different list of software with it.  The version I purchased, however, comes with the following:

  • ScanSnap Organizer
  • ScanSnap CardMinder
  • Abbey FineReader for ScanSnap
  • Others(?)

I haven’t payed too much attention to the software that came with mine, outside of those listed below.  The most critical of all the software, in my opinion, is the ScanSnap Organizer, and the corresponding FineReader.  The FineReader is the piece of software that will automatically perform the OCR on the files that are scanned with the ScanSnap.  Note that it WILL NOT allow you to perform OCR on any PDFs that were not created with ScanSnap.  While the normal FineReader software can do, the version that came with the scanner will not.  I assume this has to do with a license restriction put in place in the software bundled with the scanner.

In my workflow, the coup de grâce, in my opinion, is the ScanSnap Organizer.  There are a number of alternative software packages that do similar functionality as the Organizer.  However, in my case I wasn’t looking to spend any additional money than what I spent after purchasing the scanner.  So, ScanSnap Organizer it is!

At its core, ScanSnap Organizer is nothing more than a simple document managing system, that simply puts all the files in a folder, gives them preview icons that show what the document consists of, and calls it good.  And that is exactly what I wanted!  I didn’t trust various other software, such as the one coupled with the NeatDesk system, which kept all PDFs in a proprietary database, which required the user to access through the software.  The great thing about ScanSnap Organizer, is that it simply references with Windows (or Mac) folder structure, and overlays it with a bit more detail, using a hidden “.organizer” folder.  Don’t feel like going through the Organizer software?  Simply navigate to the ScanSnap folder that you have configured, which contains all of your PDFs within it, and you’re good to go!  Not being locked into a proprietary software design is huge to me.  I don’t want to be locked out of all of my files a few years down the road.

In addition to being a document organizer for all the PDFs, ScanSnap Organizer also contains some various additional advanced PDF editing tools.  These include deleting and reorganizing pages within a PDF, rotating / deskewing pages, cropping, etc.  It can also organize by keyword, find highlighted keywords, and distribute by keyword.

Lastly, the Organizer / scanner allows scanning to numerous third-party programs, including, but not limited to:

  • Outlook
  • Microsoft Office (Powerpoint, Word, Excel)
  • Dropbox
  • Evernote
  • Google Docs
  • Salesforce
  • Mobile
  • Any other program you can configure!

The ScanSnap scanner, and the associated software, allow you to do pretty much anything you want to with your digital documents.  In my case, I primarily wanted the ability to convert all my physical documents into digital, and organize them into a folder structure similar to how they would have been in my filing cabinet.  But the options and possibilities to do more advanced things with the documents expand far beyond my simple requirements.

The Results

After spending an hour or two a night for the past few weeks, I have managed to scan, file, and organize over 2,000 pages worth of documents.  They are all now contained within a single master folder (or cabinet), with various associated folders underneath of it.  I’m far from complete in scanning all of the remaining documents that still reside inside of my file cabinet.  However, all of the boxed and loose paperwork lying around my office is now gone, and in its place is nothing but space, and room for me to actually enjoy my office once again.  With barely 100MB or so of converted files on my PC, I have plenty of room to scan, and destroy thousands, if not millions more documents, with little concern about space any longer.  In my case, one Banker’s Box worth of documents used close to 100MB worth of storage space.  Assuming the minute size of a 32GB micro-SD card, I could effectively take 320 Banker’s Boxes, and consolidate it down into a size smaller than a penny.  How awesome is that!


As far as I’ve come in the past few weeks, I still have an incredibly long way to go, before I can fully consider myself paperless.  I still must fully develop, and stick to, a workflow plan that will effectively take any paper documents I receive, and convert them into an organized digital counterpart, and still be able to access the documents as quickly and efficiently as I need, without allowing the papers to once again pile up and overrun the office space.  Furthermore, I also need to go through many of my physical mailing statements that I receive, and see about converting them to digital, and going with a paperless distribution with them instead.  Unfortunately, many times the paperless format isn’t actually distributed, but rather put online for access, and only for a limited time.  So, rather than being able to be lazy for a year and let documents accumulate, I need to be proactive in making sure to regularly download and archive all my digital statements.  Otherwise, if I don’t stay on top of it, I could easily lose those digital documents into the abyss of dev/null, never to be seen or archived.

Oh, and there’s the obvious statement of “backup, backup, backup!”.  In the case of physical documents, one only really needs to be aware of fire and theft – both of which are fairly uncommon.  But in the digital world, one needs to be must more aware of harddrive and other equipment failure, and protect against such failures with duplication, redundancy, and versioning, to make sure that the documents don’t get accidentally lost or deleted.  But that’s a completely different topic for another time!

ScanSnap S1300i Scanner
The scanner is as simple as it can get. Fairly easy install, plus extremely easy usage makes it a great printer.
The hardware on the printer is great! Very little jamming, collapses into a very small footprint, and expands to easily hold a stack of legal-sized documents.
The included software is impressive. Can easily do almost everything you want it to. I have to knock off a star though for the OCR not working on non-ScanSnap documents.
Solid little device. Includes ability to replace consumables (pick roller, pad) for minimal cost.
A bit pricey. You get a ton for your money. But it is a bit harder to drop almost $300.00 on a scanner.
Overall, this is a great scanner. Numerous features, combined with incredibly easy to use interface, makes it a very versatile, powerful device.

– admin