New Colors!

And now, a change in background color to match with a new header image!  Stay tuned for other subtle changes in the near future, as I tweak the overall layout and theme to meet my style!

– admin

A New Theme!

OK, so admittedly, this isn’t that exciting.  But bear with me, as I wanted to call attention to it anyway (because I’m a geek like that!).

Since I started this, I was using the default WordPress Twenty Ten theme.  It served me well, and I did zero modifications to it.  I then updated a few things the other day, and decided to go ahead and upgrade the theme to the new Twenty Twelve theme instead.  Why?  Well,

  • It’s Pretty!
  • I love the new font from Google Web Fonts.
  • It’s minimalistic.
  • It’s mobile friendly.
  • It’s…

As mentioned, I do love the font.  I’m an avid Day One user, and have loved the fonts on that application.  I think I particularly like the change from a Serif font to a Sans-Serif font.  The previous font was a bit too detailed for me, and I wanted a simpler, less cluttered font.  I felt it detracted away from the point of the blog, and didn’t do me any good.

I also love the fact that the font is pulled in from Google Web Fonts.  While it’s not that unique and exciting, it does bring about an interesting and intriguing way of dynamically building a website based on “layout” generated from another site.  And of course since Google is involved, one does wonder in the back of his or her mind what Google stands to gain from the use of Google Web Fonts.  But no matter, I like how the font looks, and appreciate the ability to use it via a simple CSS rule and JavaScript import.

Additionally, I like the fact that the layout is minimalistic.  It doesn’t say much, other than the fact that I don’t want unnecessary stuff cluttering up the blog.  (Of couse, it might also say that I’m lazy and don’t want to take the time to build my own unique layout and color scheme…)  I feel that with the fact that my blog isn’t popular by any stretch of the imagination, that I don’t need to overload it with additional content and clutter up the page.  I decided to strive for a simple, easy to read, quick to access site that has just what you’re looking for, without having to look too hard for it.

Lastly, I love the fact that it’s designed with “mobile-first”.  I can now bring up the blog on my phone, and get a nice, easy to read layout that quickly gives me access to everything I need, without the clutter.  Sadly, the design still loads everything on the page and simply presents it in a more mobile-friendly layout.  This results in a waiting period while the entire site loads; especially on a slower mobile connection.  I’d prefer if it didn’t have to load everything in the meantime, and could instead load a smaller, more mobile-optimized version of the site.  But alas, beggars can’t be choosers, and the designers of the theme did an outstanding job as it is.

See any compatibility issues with the new theme?  If so, leave a comment below, and I’ll try to get anything fixed up that looks out of place in the new theme.  Thanks!

– admin